
更新时间:2023-11-30 12:52




1995.9—1999.7 南京大学化学系,获学士学位;



2004.11—2005.10 法国南特大学(Nante de Université)从事博士后研究工作, 导师: Nabil El Murr 教授;

2005.12—2007.10 美国亚立桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)从事博士后研究工作,导师:Joseph Wang 教授;

2007.11—2013.01 中山大学分析科学研究所, 副教授;

2013.01—至今 中山大学分析科学研究所, 教授;

2011.04—至今 传感技术专业委员会第二届委员会委员;

2014.10—至今 《中国化学快报》青年编委。










2、国家自然科学基金面上项目(21375154),p53 抑癌基因直接调控的miRNA 靶基因的识别及电化学研究,2014.01-2017.12,80万元,在研。
























一直从事生物电分析化学研究,已在包括J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Nucleic Acids Res., Anal. Chem.,Chem. Commun., Biosens. & Bioelectron. 等国际国内重要刊物上发表SCI论文60余篇,申请专利7项,参与撰写中英文专著3章。

63. Jun Chen, Xue-Qing Zhou, Ying-Jun Ma, Xiu-Lian Lin, Zong Dai(*), Xiao-Yong Zou, Asymmetric exponential amplification reaction on a toehold/biotin featured template: an ultrasensitive and specific strategy for isothermal microRNAs analysis, Nucleic Acids Res., 2016, 44, e130.

62. Xue-Qing Zhou, Yong-Qian Liang, Yu-Zhi Xu, Xiu-Lian Lin, Jun Chen, Ying-Jun Ma, Li Zhang, Dan-Ping Chen, Fen-Yun Song, Zong Dai(*), Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Triple cascade reactions: An ultrasensitive and specific single tube strategy enabling isothermal analysis of microRNA at sub-attomole level, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 80, 378-384.

61. Yu-Zhi Xu, Xiao-Yu Gao, Li Zhang, Dan-Ping Chen, Zong Dai(*), Xiao-Yong Zou, Simultaneous detection of double gene-specific methylation loci based on hairpin probes tagged with electrochemical quantum dots barcodes, J. Electroanal. Chem., 2016, 781, 356-362.

60. Zhan-Chao Li(*), Men-Hua Huang, Wen-Qian Zhong, Zhi-Qing Liu, Yun Xie, Zong Dai, Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Identification of drug-target interaction from interactome network with 'guilt-by-association' principle and topology features, Bioinformatics, 2016, 32, 1057-1064.

59. Zhan-Chao Li(*), Wen-Qian Zhong, Zhi-Qing Liu, Men-Hua Huang, Yun Xie, Zong Dai, Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Large-scale identification of potential drug tragets based on the topological features of human protein-protein interaction network, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015, 871, 18-27.

58. Li Zhang, Yu-Zhi Xu, Xiao-Fen Xiao, Jun Chen, Xue-Qing Zhou,Wen-Yuan Zhu, Zong Dai(*), Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Development of techniques for DNA-methylation analysis, Trends in Anal. Chem., 2015, 72: 114−122.

57. Yu-Zhi Xu, Chang Niu, Xiao-Fen Xiao, Wen-Yuan Zhu, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou, Chemical-Oxidation Cleavage Triggered Isothermal Exponential Amplification Reaction for Attomole Gene-Specific Methylation Analysis, Anal. Chem., 2015, 87, 2945-2951.

56. Hai Wu, Su-Hua Fan, Xiao-Yan Jin, Hong Zhang, Hong Chen, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Construction of a Zinc Porphyrin−Fullerene-Derivative Based Nonenzymatic Electrochemical Sensor for Sensitive Sensing of Hydrogen Peroxide and Nitrite, Anal. Chem., 2014, 86: 6285−6290.

55. Wen-Yuan Zhu, Xing-Peng Su, Xiao-Yu Gao, Zong Dai(*), and Xiaoyong Zou(*), A Label-Free and PCR-Free Electrochemical Assay for Multiplexed microRNA Profiles by Ligase Chain Reaction Coupling with Quantum Dots Barcodes,Biosens. Bioelectron., 2014, 53: 414–419.

54. Bo Li, Zheng-Liang Li, Bo Situ, Zong Dai, Qin-Lan Liu, Qian Wang, Da-Yong Gu, and Lei Zheng(*), Sensitive HIV-1 Detection in a Homogeneous Solution Based on an Electrochemical Molecular Beacon Coupled with a Nafion–graphene Composite Film Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2014, 52: 330–336.

53. Po Wang(*), Xi-Jiao Li, Zong Dai, Xiao-Yong Zou, and Xi-Guang Han, An Efficient Electrochemical Method for Direct Screening of The Mutation Status of DNA Base in Oligonucleotides, Sens. & Actuat. B-Chem., 2014, 201: 222–227.

52. Zhan-Chao Li, Li-Li Chen, Yan-Hua Lai, Zong Dai, and Xiaoyong Zou(*),The Prediction of Methylation States in Human DNA Sequences Based on Hexanucleotide Composition, Anal. Methods, 2014, 6: 1897–1904.

51. Zhan-Chao Li(*), Li-Li Chen, Yan-Hua Lai, Yun Xie, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Prediction of Protein Phenotype Based on Protein Interaction Network by Coupling Genetic Algorithm and K-nearest Neighbor Algorithm, Anal. Methods, 2014, 6: 5281–5289.

50. Zhan-Chao Li(*), Yan-Hua Lai, Li-Li Chen, Yun Xie, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Identifying Functions of Protein Complexes Based on Topology Similarity with Random Forest, Molecular BioSystens, 2014, 10: 514–525.

49. Zhan-Chao Li(*), Yan-Hua Lai, Li-Li Chen, Yun Xie, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Identifying and Prioritizing Disease-Related Genes Based on the Network Topological Features, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins & Proteomics, 2014, 1844: 2214–2221.

48. Zong Dai(*), Ting Cai, Wen-Yuan Zhu, Xiao-Yu Gao, and Xiao-Yong Zou, Simultaneous Profiling of Multiple Gene-Methylation Loci by Electrochemical Methylation-Specific Ligase Detection Reaction, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49: 1939-1941.

47. Hai Wu, Su-Hua Fan, Wen-Yuan Zhu, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Investigation of Electrocatalytic Pathway for Hemoglobin Toward Nitric Oxide by Electrochemical Approach Based on Protein Controllable Unfolding and In-Situ Reaction, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2013, 41: 589-594.

46. Po Wang(*), Hao-Bin Chen, Jiu-Ying Tiao, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou*, Electrochemical Evaluation of DNA Methylation Level Based on The Stoichiometric Relationship Between Purine and Pyrimidine Bases , Biosens. Bioelectron., 2013, 45: 34-39.

45. Bo Situ, Nan-Nan Cao, Bo Li, Qi-Niao Liu, Li Lin, Zong Dai, Xiao-Yong Zou, Zhen Cai, Qian Wang, Xiao-Hui Yan, and Lei Zheng(*), Sensitive Electrochemical Analysis of BRAFV600E Mutation Based on an Amplification-Refractory Mutation System Coupled with Multienzyme Functionalized Fe3O4/Au Nanoparticles, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2013, 43: 257-263.

44. Jun Xiao, HB Li, WQ Zhou, NQ Luo, Y Liang, JM Shao, P Liu, Xiao-Yong Zou, Zong Dai(*), Guo-Wei Yang(*), A New Insight Into the Electrochemical Growth of Ag Nanodendrites Without a Strong Electrolyte, RSC Adv., 2013, 3: 20532-20537.

43. Zhan-Chao Li, Yan-Hua Lai, Li-Li Chen, Chao Chen, Yun Xie, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Identifying Subcellular Localizations of Mammalian Protein Complexes Based on Graph Theory with a Random Forest Algorithm, Molecular BioSystems, 2013, 9: 658-667.

42. Xuan Zhou, Zhan-Chao Li, Zong Dai, Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Predicting Promoters by Pseudo-Trinucleotide Compositions Based on Discrete Wavelets Transform, J. Theoretical Biology, 2013, 319: 1-7.

41. Zong Dai, Hui Liu, Yu-Dong Shen, Xing-Peng Su, Zhen-Lin Xu, and Yuan-Ming Sun(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Attomolar Determination of Coumaphos by Electrochemical Displacement Immunoassay Coupled With Oligonucleotide Sensing, Anal. Chem., 2012, 84: 8157–8163.

40. Zong Dai(*), Xiao Hu, Hai Wu, and Xiao-Yong Zou, A label-free Electrochemical Assay for Quantification of Gene-Specific Methylation in a Nucleic Acid Sequence, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48: 1769–1771.

39. Po Wang, Hai Wu, Zong Dai(*), and Xiaoyong Zou(*), Picomolar Level Profiling of The Methylation Status of the p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene by a Label-Free Electrochemical Biosensor, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48: 10754–10756.

38. Yan-Hua Lai, Zhan-Chao Li, Li-Li Chen, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Identification of Potential Host Proteins for Influenza A Virus Based on Topological and Biological Characteristics by Proteome-Wide Network Approach, J. Protem., 2012, 75: 2500-2513.

37. Zhan-Chao Li, Yan-Hua Lai, Li-Li Chen, Xuan Zhou, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Identification of Human Protein Complexes from Local Sub-Graphs of Protein–Protein Interaction Network Based on Random Forest with Topological Structure Features, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2012, 718: 32-41.

36. Xuan Zhou, Zhan-Chao Li, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Prediction of Methylation CpGs and Their Methylation Degrees in Human DNA Sequences, Comput. Biol. Med., 2012, 42: 408-413.

35. Zhan-Chao Li, Xuan Zhou, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Classification of G Proteins and Prediction of GPCRs-G Proteins Coupling Specificity Using Continuous Wavelet Transform and Information Theory, Amino Acids, 2012, 43: 793-804.

34. Zong Dai(*), Yan Yang, Hai Wu, and Xiao-Yong Zou, Investigation of Dual-layer Membrane Cloaking Method by Surface Plasmon Resonance for Direct Chronoamperometric Immunoassay of Serum Sample, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2011, 28: 421–427.

33. Hai Wu, Li-Na Lin, Po Wang, Song-Shan Jiang, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Solubilization of Pristine Fullerene by the Unfolding Mechanism of Bovine Serum Albumin for Cytotoxic Application, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47: 10659–10661.

32. Po Wang, Hai Wu, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Simultaneous Detection of Guanine, Adenine, Thymine and Cytosine at Choline Monolayer Supported Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Film. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2011, 26: 3339-3345.

31. Hai Wu, Xiao-Juan Zhao, Po Wang, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Electrochemical Site Marker Competitive Method for Probing the Binding Site and Binding Mode Between Bovine Serum Albumin and Alizarin Red S. Electrochim. Acta, 2011, 56: 4181-4187.

30. Xiao-Juan Zhao, Zhi-Bin Mai, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Direct Probing of the Folding/Unfolding Event of Bovine Hemoglobin at Montmorillonite Clay Modified Electrode by Adsorptive-Transfer Voltammetry. Talanta, 2011, 84: 148-154.

29. Hai Wu, Po Wang, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou*, Site-Selective Probe for Investigating the Asynchronous Unfolding of Domains in Bovine Serum Albumin, Talanta, 2011, 84: 881-886.

28. Zhan-Chao Li, Xuan Zhou, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Identification of Protein Methylation Sites by Coupling Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and Support Vector Machine, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2011, 703: 163-171.

27. Xuan Zhou, Zhan-Chao Li, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Predicting Methylation Status of Human DNA Sequences by Pseudo-Trinucleotide Composition, Talanta, 2011, 85: 1143-1147.

26. Po Wang, Zhi-Bin Mai, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Investigation of DNA Methylation by Direct Electrocatalytic Oxidation, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46: 7781–7783.

25. Zhi-Bin Mai, Xiao-Juan Zhao, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Direct Electrochemistry of Hemoglobin Adsorbed on Self-Assembled Monolayers with Different Head Groups or Chain Length. Talanta, 2010, 81: 167-175.

24. Zhi-Bin Mai, Xiao-Juan Zhao, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Contributions of Components in Guanidine Hydrochloride to Hemoglobin Unfolding Investigated by Protein Film Electrochemistry. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114: 7090-7097.

23. Zhi-Bin Mai, Xiao-Juan Zhao, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Investigation of the Chloride Effect on Hemoglobin by Adsorptive Transfer Voltammetry. Anal. Biochem., 2010, 399: 23-29.

22. Xiao-Juan Zhao, Zhi-Bin Mai, Zong Dai(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*). Electrochemically Monitoring the Acid and Acidic Urea-Induced Unfolding of Hemoglobin and its Electrocatalytic Ability. Electroanalysis, 2010, 22: 2277-2283.

21. Zhan-Chao Li, Xuan Zhou, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Classification of G-protein Coupled Receptors Based on Support Vector Machine with Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy and Genetic Algorithm. BMC Bioinformatics, 2010, 11: 325-339.

20. Xuan Zhou, Zhan-Chao Li, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), QSAR Modeling of Peptide Biological Activity by Coupling Support Vector Machine with Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm, J. Mol. Graph. Model., 2010, 29: 188-196.

19. Zong Dai, Yun Xiao, Xiao-Zhi Yu, Zhi-Bin Mai, Xiao-Juan Zhao, Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Direct Electrochemistry of Myoglobin Based on Ionic Liquid–Clay Composite Films, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2009, 24: 1629–1634.

18. Po Wang, Zhi-Bin Mai, Zong Dai, Yong-Xin Li(*), and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Construction of Au Nanoparticles on Choline Chloride Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode for Sensitive Detection of Nitrite. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2009, 24: 3242-3247.

17. Zhan-Chao Li, Xi-Bin Zhou, Zong Dai, and Xiao-Yong Zou(*), Prediction of Protein Structural Classes by Chou’s Pseudo Amino Acid Composition: Approached Using Continuous Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis. Amino Acids, 2009, 37: 415-425.

16. Xiao-Juan Zhao, Zhi-Bin Mai, Xin-Huang Kang, Zong Dai, and Xiaoyong Zou(*), Clay-Chitosan-Gold Nanoparticle Nanohybrid: Preparation and Application for Assembly and Direct Electrochemistry of Myoglobin. Electrochim. Acta, 2008, 53: 4732-4739.

15. Anchana Preechaworapun, Zong Dai, Yun Xiang, Orawon Chailapakul(*), Joseph Wang(*), Investigation of the Enzyme Hydrolysis Products of the Substrates of Alkaline Phosphatase in Electrochemical Immunosensing, Talanta, 2008, 76: 424-431.

14. Zong Dai, Simona Serban, Huang-Xian Ju, and Nabil El Murr(*), Layer-by-layer Hydroxymethyl Ferrocene Modified Sensor for One-Step Flow/Stop-Flow Injection Amperometric Immunoassay of α-Fetoprotein, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2007, 22: 1700-1706.

13. Joseph Wang(*), Yun Xiang, Zong Dai, Gerlach Jared, Jeffrey T. La Belle, and Lokesh Joshi, Nanoparticle-Based Sensing of Glycan-Lectin Interactions, Glycobiology, 2006, 16: 1155.

12. Chumbimuni-Torres Karin Y., Zong Dai, Nastassia Rubinova, Yun Xiang, Erno Pretsch, Joseph Wang(*), and Eric Bakker(*), Potentiometric Biosensing of Proteins with Ultrasensitive Ion-Selective Microelectrodes and Nanoparticle Labels, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128: 13676-13677.

11. Jie Wu, Jin-Hai Tang, Zong Dai, Feng Yan, Huang-Xian Ju(*), and Nabil El Murr(*), A Disposable Electrochemical Immunosensor for Flow Injection Immunoassay of Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2006, 22: 102-108.

10. Zong Dai, Abdel-Nasser Kawde, Yun Xiang, Jeffrey T. La Belle, Jared Gerlach, Veer P. Bhavanandan, Lokesh Joshi(*), and Joseph Wang(*), Nanoparticle-Based Sensing of Glycan-Lectin Interactions, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128: 10018-10019.

9. Tanin Tangkuaram, Gerlach Jared, Yun Xiang, Abdel-Nasser Kawde, Zong Dai, Veer P. Bhavanandan, Jeffrey T. La Belle, Waret Veerasai, Lokesh Joshi(*), and Joseph Wang(*), Sensitive and Rapid Electrochemical Bioassay of Glycosidase Activity, Analyst, 2006, 131: 889-891.

8. Jin Chen, Feng Yan, Zong Dai, and Huang-Xian Ju(*), Reagentless Amperometric Immunosensor for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin Based on Direct Electrochemistry of Horseradish Peroxidase, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2005, 21: 330-336.

7. Zong Dai, Jin Chen, Feng Yan, and Huang-Xian Ju(*), Electrochemical Sensor for Immunoassay of Carcinoembryonic Antigen Based on Thionine Monolayer Modified Gold Electrode, Cancer Detect. Prevent., 2005, 29: 233-240.

6. Hua Yu, Feng Yan, Zong Dai, and Huang-Xian Ju(*), A Disposable Amperometric Immunosensor for Alpha-1-Fetoprotein Based on Enzyme-Labeled Antibody/Chitosan-Membrane-Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode, Anal. Biochem., 2004, 331: 98-105.

5. Zong Dai, Feng Yan, Hua Yu, Xiao-Ya Hu, and Huang-Xian Ju(*), Novel Amperometric Immunosensor for Rapid Separation-Free Immunoassay of Carcinoembryonic Antigen, J. Immunol. Methods, 2004, 287: 13-20.

4. Zong Dai, Feng Yan, Jin Chen, and Huang-Xian Ju(*), Reagentless Amperometric Immunosensors Based on Direct Electrochemistry of Horseradish Peroxidase for Determination of Carcinoma Antigen-125, Anal. Chem., 2003, 75: 5429-5434.

3. Huang-Xian Ju(*), Zong Dai, and Dónal Leech, Electrochemical Determination of Electroinactive Guests of Beta-Cyclodextrin at a Self-Assembled Monolayer Interface, Sci. China, Series B-Chem., 2002, 45: 46-53.

2. Zong Dai, and Huang-Xian Ju(*), Effect of Chain Length on the Surface Properties of Omega-Carboxy Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2001, 3: 3769-3773.

1. Rong-Xin Yuan, Ren-Gen Xiong, Zhen-Feng Chen, Pei Zhang, Huang-Xian Ju, Zong Dai, Zi-Jian Guo, Hoong-Kun Fun, and Xiao-Zeng You(*). Crystal Structure of Zinc(II) 2-Sulfanilamidopyrimidine: A Widely Used Topical Burn Drug, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 2001, 6: 774-776.


7. 戴宗,陈俊,邹小勇,一种基于对称环状哑铃模板的核酸恒温指数扩增技术及其在microRNA检测中的应用。国家发明专利,申请号:201610929332.7;

6. 戴宗,张立,邹小勇,一种DNA甲基化实时检测方法及应用。国家发明专利,申请号:201610933983.3;

5. 戴宗,陈俊,邹小勇,一种改进型恒温指数扩增技术及其在microRNA检测中的应用。国家发明专利,申请号:201510383439.1;

4. 戴宗,周雪晴,邹小勇,一种基于三重放大反应串联的恒温指数放大技术及其在microRNA检测中的应用。国家发明专利,申请号:201510381905.2;

3. 戴宗,蔡婷,邹小勇,一种基于连接酶反应的多特异位点DNA甲基化电化学检测方法。国家发明专利,申请号:201210031004.1;

2. 戴宗,严枫,鞠熀先,肿瘤标志物的电化学免疫测定方法及微体积免疫测定芯片。国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 2004 1 0041175.3;

1. 严枫,戴宗,鞠熀先,一种新型无试剂安培免疫传感器的制备及应用。国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 03 1 13053.4。


1. NanoBiosensing — Principles, Development and Application,Ju Huangxian,Zhang Xueji, Wang Joseph, 2011,Springer。

2. 纳米生物传感:原理、发展与应用,鞠熀先,张学记,Wang Joseph,2012,科学出版社。

3. Amperometric Biosensors Based on Weak Interaction and Recognition Between Biomolecules, Ju Huangxian, Dai Zong, Chen Jin, Encyclopedia of SENSIRS, American Scientific Publishers, 2006.









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